
  • Removed Material Icons + entry from the Personal section on the Projects page
    Content update
  • Added Mile High Battle entry to the Personal section on the Projects page
    Content update


  • Fixed a bug where the Contact drawer (and all drawers in general) was too narrow for the reCAPTCHA
    Bug fix


  • Added reCAPTCHA validation to the contact form
    Bug fix
  • Added Open Graph images and descriptions to all pages
    Content update


  • Corrected Veeva Systems entry in work history on About me page
    Content update
  • Updated table of contents items and section headings to use tabular numbers for better scannability on Release notes page
    Usability improvement


  • Converted sidebars into <nav> elements
    Accessibility improvement
  • Fixed a bug where the sidebar wouldn't scroll vertically for shorter viewports thus cutting off content
    Bug fix


  • Fixed a bug where some pages were too wide on mobile viewports causing unwanted horizontal scrolling
    Bug fix
  • Fixed a bug where the breadcrumbs had insufficient spacing on the right side
    Bug fix


  • Added Veeva Systems entry to work history on About me page
    New content
  • Added cumulative GPA to Westwood College entry in education on About me page
    Content update
  • Fixed a bug where some colors' opacities were incorrect
    Bug fix


  • Fixed a bug where the wrong hero image was shown on the booj Platform page
    Bug fix


  • Fixed a bug with the breadcrumb separator not showing the correct color in the light theme
    Bug fix
  • Added the appropriate aria-label for the breadcrumbs container
    Accessibility improvement
  • Adjusted text link hover/focus/active underline effect to intrude less on the text to help with readability
    Styling update
  • Removed stroke around alerts
    Styling update
  • Changed the color of the text inside of alerts to match its adjacent icon
    Styling update
  • Added category chips to top-level points on release notes page
    Styling update
  • Removed the aria-label from external link UI icon indicating that the link would be opening in a new tab and moved it to the link itself
    Accessibility improvement
  • Added styling for code snippets on release notes page
    Styling update


  • Added Release notes page
    New content
    • Note: Updates made prior to December 2022 were undocumented and thus have no entries
  • Updated breadcrumbs to be more accessible
    Accessibility improvement
    • Previously, page breadcrumbs were nothing more than links for and for decorative purposes
    • Now, they follow the proper composition for breadcrumbs described by the W3C for proper navigation and assistive technology


  • Updated card links to be more accessible
    Accessibility improvement
    • Previously, entire cards were links for better usability but this came at a cost to accessibility due to the link containing excessive content
    • Now, the actual link within the card is the only linked element but its clickable area has been expanded to encompass the entire card
  • Updated links on Projects page to be more descriptive for assistive technology
    Accessibility improvement
  • Updated inline text links across the site to include "(opens in a new tab)" in their aria-label
    Accessibility improvement
  • Updated the UI icon for external links in buttons and links to include "(opens in a new tab)" in their aria-label
    Accessibility improvement


  • Updated table of contents list items to be more accessible
    Accessibility improvement
  • Updated buttons and links using UI icons to be more accessible
    Accessibility improvement
    • Previously, the icons were read by screen readers as "image"
    • Now, the icons include the aria-hidden="true" attribute so that screen readers will skip over them



  • Fixed a bug that would prevent table of contents links from landing at the correct depth on first load
    Bug fix


  • Added Vroom entry to work history on About me page
    Content update


  • Removed info note on being open to new work on home page
    Content update